
第一次读时,整篇文章中我不能理解的是文章倒数第三段mark对自己的一个提问“Couldn't she understand that that was why the girl on the hill had seemed a stranger to him?”。从前文中的描写来看,Mark确实对Julie动了心。mark在读诗时的描写“He read the treasured poem three times, and each time he read it he saw her standing there in the sun, her hair dancing in the wind, her dress swirling like gentle snow around her long and lovely legs; and a lump came into his throat, and he could not swallow”。这样的魂牵梦绕让我觉得mark喜欢上了julie。 之后Mark想到“It was inconceivable that a mere twenty years later he could be looking forward eagerly to a tryst with an overimaginative girl who was young enough to be his daughter. ”这儿用了tryst,给我一种mark喜欢上了julie的感觉。在julie消失的那一段时间里,mark天天都会在山上等julie。文中这么写到他的想法“ And all the while, he hated himself—hated himself for behaving like a lovesick schoolboy, for reacting just like any other fool in his forties to a pretty face and a pair of pretty legs. Up until a few days ago he had never even so much as looked at another woman, and here in the space of less than a week he had not only looked at one but had fallen in love with her.”在最后一次见面的时候,julie向mark表白了,mark的心情是激动无比。翌日,mark早早的便来山上等julie。后来julie的消失,Mark去寻找Julie(此处有点像你的名字中,泷去寻找三叶的剧情)。这样的叙述,让我很难相信mark将julie当做一个stranger。

带着这样的问题,我读了第二遍,第三遍。在文章一开头,就这么写到“ It evoked a déjà vu so poignant that he had to resist an impulse to reach out and touch her wind-kissed cheek; and even though his hand did not leave his side, he felt his fingertips tingle.”可以认为mark对julie喜欢的情感都是从这种似曾相识的感觉中衍生出来的。并且在每次描写到mark思念julia,喜欢julia的时候,mark也想到了annie。julie和Annie本来就是同一个人。mark喜欢的是annie,那么必定也喜欢过去的annie,任何一个时间的Annie。在mark眼中,annie没有变老,annie始终是那么的完美。那么喜欢上julie也是无可厚非的(由于那种似曾相识的感觉)。

